
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Police nationwide are ill-equipped to handle the mentally ill

Police nationwide are ill-equipped to handle the mentally ill


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

So the Yahoo! Breach was state sponsored?

So the Yahoo! Breach was state sponsored?



IOS users can find The Crime Shop on Apple News

Someone is testing ways to take down the internet – Worldwide



Monday, September 26, 2016

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Yosemite -National Park Murders


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Social Media – just made ‘Stop and Frisk’ digital


For all the latest visit:


U.S. Department of Justice – Police stop shooting unarmed black men

For more follow https://crimeshop.org/2016/09/21/u-s-department-of-justice-police-stop-shooting-unarmed-black-men/

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

U.S. Department of Justice - Resorting to veiled threats...against the Kremlin?

U.S. Department of Justice - Resorting to veiled threats...against the Kremlin?
Instead of resort to preventative measures
In light of the recent political hacks here in the U.S. today, 9/14/16, the Justice Department dropped a couple of hints that they do in fact, plan to hold Russia accountable for what is suspected to be a broad hacking campaign that has targeted U.S. political organizations and election databases.
Assistant Attorney General John Carlin said “You’ve seen us use it time and again, the message is clear: You are not safe because you are doing it under another nation’s flag. We can figure out who did it ... and when we do, we’re committed to holding people accountable.”
True enough, we have seen it and heard it, over and over again. What we are more interested in seeing are preventative measures. Something along the lines of being proactive rather than reactive.  
Both Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Assistant Attorney General John Carlin fell short of actually coming right out and saying they in fact knew that Russia was behind the recent hacks in today’s announcement.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch had this to say: “Whether you are a rogue hacker or a uniformed soldier, the shadowy corners of the internet will not provide respite for long. The light of our efforts is bright, the reach of our resolve is long. There literally is no hiding place.”
Yet, whomever these hackers are, they have still managed to be hiding, they are unnamed, they have no face for us to look upon, we don’t even really know where they reside, for all we know, the hacks could have all been inside jobs.
Information and access can both be bought and sold for a fairly reasonable price these days...
Assistant Attorney General John Carlin named Russia as one of the 4 main actors that have been involved in supporting hackers targeting the U.S., the other 3 are North Korea, Iran and China.
While it’s true that the U.S. has taken action against hackers with regards to hacks against Sony Pictures, financial institutions and U.S. companies. The action taken so far was against North Korea, Iran and China, nothing for Russia.
Russia has been suspected of the Democratic Party hacks, as well as for hacks into election systems in both Arizona and Illinois. The word on the street is, they did it in an effort to disrupt the November elections.
Forbes reported that Edward Snowden suspected Russia as being behind the leak over at the NSA last month, something I am personally convinced is part of an inside job, rather than Russia kicking down the air-gapped network doors of the NSA.
Right now Russia is also being accused of hacking the medical records of Olympic Athletes...
President Obama has not acknowledged that he believes Russia is behind the hacks either. At least not publicly.
In Fact, so far most Government officials have hesitated at pointing the blame to Russia and Russia has denied any involvement in the recent hacks.
All save for...
Senator John McCain-R Arizona who today subtly suggested that “Russia is conducting cyber-attacks to undermine American interests at every turn.”
It’s one thing to have irrefutable evidence against someone, it’s an entirely different thing to blame someone for something you cannot prove they did.
It’s unforgivable to place blame on a very public level…When you lack THE EVIDENCE to support that!
What’s that thing we tell all criminals in this country...oh help me out here, isn’t it something along the lines of, being innocent until proven guilty…
Don’t we also allow for defendants to ask for and receive a change of venue if they feel they will not get a fair trial where they were charged because so much media attention was placed on the case that they feel the public, their jury would not give them a fair shot?
Way to practice that public persecution thing here, we are publicly persecuting another country who the U.S. Government hasn’t proven did anything.
I keep seeing headlines suggesting what the U.S. might do should they discover Russia was behind the recent hacks.
What I am not seeing is what the U.S. plans to do if they learn that Russia in fact, had absolutely nothing to do with the recent hacks?
It matters not right now who is behind the hacks as far as the public is concerned, what matters is that our Government is taking steps to prevent future hacks while at the same time investigates what did happen without and this is important, casting blame on another country.
For a country that wants to be a world leader, be seen and known as a world leader, this blame game is not the move a progressive, forward thinking world leading country, would make.
Whether or not someone is hacking for the Russian Government, or it’s a lone hacker if it were me, I’d hold off on blaming anyone outright until I did have irrefutable proof.
While we are all focused on who did it, we are failing to see and realize these hacks clearly illustrate our inability as a nation to prevent cyber attacks.
These hacks illustrate our weakness when it comes to the cyber world.
Because of that, I wouldn’t want to risk rocking the boat without having proof to back up my accusations because until anyone can prove anything...we are still pretty vulnerable to yet another hack and/or cyber attack.  
From a still unknown and unnamed hacker or group of hackers.
Cristal M Clark

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency - In Bed with Big Pharma

U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency - In Bed with Big Pharma
Butting in where they no longer belong

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
President Richard Nixon created the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency through an Executive Order in July 1973.
The idea was that the DEA would establish a single unified command to combat "an all-out global war on the drug menace."
At the time, DEA had 1,470 special agents and a budget of less than $75 million. Today, the DEA has nearly 5,000 special agents and a budget of $2.03 billion.
That’s the brief history of the DEA and what’s really troubling is that, it’s designated purpose for existence is a complete and utter failure.
The United States leads the world in recreational drug use and drug related incarceration.
It seems that through the Executive Order President Nixon decided to issue, he failed to foresee the actual future, a problem our elected leaders often have. I am not talking about being a psychic but it would have made more sense to have a plan that would have better addressed drug addiction rather than jail addicts.
Not to mention neither President Nixon nor the DEA ever considered that big pharma would play a hard and solid hand in drug addictions that have reached epic proportions.
Legal Opioids were responsible for the deaths of 28,647 people in 2014 - drugs big pharma produces, designs and drugs that doctors prescribe.
Not to mention that heroin addiction has reached an all time high (no pun intended), it’s gotten so bad that law enforcement agencies across the US are struggling to contain it.
Understanding non-natural, synthetic drugs or rather designer drugs as I like to call them, let’s look at an non opioid.
Yaz birth control pills were all the talk when they first came out on the market. They were supposed to carry less risk because they were made with a promising new synthetic group of hormones.
As it turned out, they carried the same risks if not more in some cases. Some women died while taking these manufactured, synthetic birth control pills.
The makers of Yaz have been sued multiple times for the lies and the resulting health issues that plagued women after using the drugs. 
Our bodies are not and never were designed for the intake of manufactured synthetics.
It was recently announced that the DEA intends to classify Kratom as a schedule 1 controlled and illegal substance in an effort to avoid “an imminent hazard to public safety.”
A tree leaf, which pharmacologists classify as a an alkaloid not an opioid. Most people have turned to this tree leaf to treat everything from pain to opioid addiction.
As it turns out the alkaloid helps people kick the opioid habits they have developed from over-prescribed and overused prescription medications.
Medication’s that the DEA has openly ignored, medications that are not natural but designed, and they are designed not to treat users, but to hook users while at the same time, destroying major organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver.
Can Kratom stimulate opioid receptors in the brain? Yes but so can alcohol, alcohol can be worse however. Even coffee can stimulate opioid receptors in the brain. 
The plus to all of this is that Kratom is less habit forming than anything on the market today.
So as one can imagine, the DEA’s move here has left a great many upset and they take this move by the DEA as the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency publicly acknowledging that they are in fact, in bed with big pharma.  
Today, I saw a headline pop up with regards to big pharma fighting cannabis legalization simply because it would “significantly limit” the commercial use of that company's drugs.
Insys Therapeutics Inc, gave $5000,000 to the Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy, a very prominent and vocal anti-cannabis legalization group.
That donation made them the group's single, largest donor.
What is very concerning is that the DEA chooses not to notice these things, it is becoming very clear to the public that if one wants legalization or to criminalize of drugs, herbs, a tree leaf all they must do is buy it.
Just like big pharma has done.
So if you can buy your way in like big pharma, anyone could effectively approach the drug cartels and ask for funding for the sole purpose of lobbying to legalize this or that drug, basically buy their way in, get legalization and the cartels would be selling product which as I understand, they really, really want to do.
It’s also worth a mention that in issuing its scheduling notice, the DEA said that the Centers for Disease Control received 660 complaints about kratom (including reports of constipation and vomiting) between 2010 to 2015, out of 3 million calls annually reporting adverse reactions to assorted other foods and drugs.
What’s funny is that the Centers for Disease Control has received more complaints for the same years annually with regards to energy drinks if anyone cared to know that.
At any rate, the DEA has received a record number of calls urging them to back off on this decision, in fact they did not expect the number of calls they would receive.
What that shows is that, the public is sick and tired of the DEA telling them what they should put into their bodies.
And the public is really tired of putting unnatural things into their bodies. 
The public no longer wants to be forced into having to take manufactured, designed, synthetic drugs that were created with the sole purpose of creating addiction in its users and a very slow death because they ruin internal organs.
It is time that the DEA took a long hard look at what they are currently attempting and divorce big pharma. 
It's time that the DEA start doing what it was supposed to do all along and pay more attention to the real drug issues that America is facing. 
Starting with those that are and have been created by big pharma. 
Cristal M Clark

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Health

The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Health
Hillary Clinton
As it turns out Hillary Clinton is pretty much like most women worldwide after all.
Are we making way too much about Hillary Clinton being sick? I have to go with a yes here. 
Is this a cause for concern? I’m going to go with a no on that one.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not Hillary’s biggest fan, but her having pneumonia and working the campaign trail didn’t phase me in the least because like most women, instead of take a sick day or two she continued to work.
I myself have been sent home sick from work only to go to the doctor and have to take antibiotics, my female coworkers have done it, as have many, many other women worldwide. 
We are women, we do not have time to be sick and we were born that way.
Dr. Drew has weighed in, another website is promoting a video that suggests Hillary has 1 year left to live…you can find that at abovetopsecret.com, while others are suggesting she is going to have a stroke and die, some sites are saying she has Parkinson's disease, this list is growing rapidly...
In all honesty,  all the speculation, the concern which amounts to nothing more than extra advertising dollars, it’s absurd.
Can't we just let the woman be sick, get some rest and the people can stop speculating that she is near the point she is going to roll over on to her death bed and suddenly die?
She in all reality is doing what All Women Do, continuing to work while sick. It is not a big deal.
Have we as a nation lost our ability to show some empathy even if we don't like or agree with the person?
We all at one time or another have opened our mouth and inserted our foot...
Her comments that Trump supporters are "deplorables" which she expressed regret for saying might have been caused by nothing more than being ill and feeling bitchy which most of us feel like when we are sick ourselves.
It is not unusual for people who are under stress, duress and who are ill with a cold, the flu, pneumonia, to be irritable and say something that they normally wouldn’t.
Everyone in his or her life has had those “Oh Shit” moments where they wanted to take back each and every word that just flew out of their mouth sick or not.
It happens and to be honest, Trump has had quite a few more instances where he’s said something insanely crazy and taken it back or back tracked, or said that isn’t what he meant.
But her comments did come at a bad time.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have such a deeply divided following that each would do well to consider that, at some point every President does like it or not, need a nation that fully stands behind him or her during his/her presidency.

This is the one key element that President Obama never had, never at one point did he have the entire nation on his side through one single decision that he has made.
That has been noticed, worldwide.
No matter who makes it into office, they will still need the support of our entire nation at one point, sooner or later, so it does matter what each says openly about the other’s supporters.
Cristal M Clark

Saturday, September 10, 2016


We will Never Forget

It make no difference what God you believe in, whether or not your kneel or stand when the national anthem plays, what team you play for, if you are gay, lesbian, trans or in between. If you are black, white, Asian, Muslim or Mexican, you are in America, stand for what you believe in.

Together we are a melting pot but together we are united.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Bitcoiners who use Tor be warned

Bitcoiners who use Tor be warned
Revised  Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
A nifty little law was passed earlier this year by the US supreme court that will allow the FBI to use a single warrant to hack as many computers they’d like to, anywhere in the US and quite possibly the world or so those who are against the ruling say.
Basically the change means that a single warrant can be obtained to hack a single electronic device and any other electronic devices that were somehow connected to or in some way associated with the original source.
In other words the change to Rule 41 will be a single warrant that will be used for mass surveillance.
The running theory going around the web is that, a single warrant that is issued anywhere in America would then allow the FBI to control as many computers that were associated with the original source on a botnet.
Whether or not they were located in the United States.
This change leaves Tor and its equivalents feeling like they are prime targets. They feel that the change to Rule 41 is designed to attack Tor through its user base.
The change in the current law will take effect 12/1/2016.

Sen. Ron Wyden-D-Oregon is fighting the revision to Rule 41 which he says is a “staggering expansion of government hacking and surveillance authority.”
Back in May Sen. Wyden introduced  S. 2952, a measure that would fully block the changes to Rule 41.
Not surprising, the measure hasn’t received a hearing or markup, yet Sen. Wyden is hopeful that a hearing or markup are coming soon.
Let's not forget, that Sen Wyden does in fact have support from other lawmakers, the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Sen. Wyden’s argument is pretty clear, he says that “this major policy change is going to make it easier for the government to hack into the personal devices of Americans and collect information about them, making American’s feel less safe instead of more.”
He fears that not only would this change grant the Government the ability to hack into a perpetrators device but also the victims which might be considered yet another attack on the victim.
He also feels that the government could also end up damaging, our personal devices, power grids, hospitals and nearly any other system connected to the internet.
Which is a fear that is totally founded, the US Government did manage to infect millions of computers worldwide and the networks of foreign Government’s with malware.
Sen. Wyden started to step up his game last week and in all honesty seeing someone who serves as an elected official fight for the rights of the American People is a rather refreshing change compared to what we normally see from our elected officials.
It is unclear if encrypted data and encrypted devices would be of a challenge to our Government’s hack-a-thon, should the changes to Rule 41 actually take effect on December 1, 2016.
Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Cristal M Clark

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

White House Secret Service Agent Busted for sexual exploitation of teen girls

White House Secret Service Agent Busted for sexual exploitation of teen girls 
Meet Lee Robert Moore, 38 a former White House Secret Service Agent was caught sexting teenage girls last November. While he thought he was sexting a 14 year old girl, he was actually sexting with a Delaware Child Predator Task Force undercover officer.
While being questioned by investigators he told them that he had sexually explicit online communication with around 10 teenage girls. Most shocking of all, he confessed that his "absolute minimum" age for girls was 14 years old.
Lee was indicted on 3 federal charges while on duty between January and May of 2014
Attempted production of child pornography
Attempted receipt of child pornography
Using a computer to persuade, entice or coerce a minor to engage in sexual activity
Investigators said they communicated with him for 2 months, while his second child was born and while that child was experiencing a medical condition that required what was described as a pretty significant surgery.
Lee during one communication had expressed that he wanted to travel to Delaware to meet with the “teen” for sex.
He would meet his victims through Kik which is a mobile messenger type of service that is highly popular with teens and Meet24 which is a chat, flirt and hookup service.
Once he realized that he was under investigation and more than likely would be arrested he destroyed digital evidence according to the charges. Unfortunately, he didn’t quite think that move through because now prosecutors can pretty much prove that he destroyed digital evidence.
What makes this case absolutely astonishing is the fact that while Lee was being investigated, investigators realized that not only was he attempting to sexually exploit teens while at work, he was doing it in presence of other officers, while in the presence President Obama, around senior administration officials he was to be “protecting,” and his own family.
Lee is currently housed at the Palm Beach County, Florida Jail because he wants to face the most serious allegations against him first and those happen to be in Florida. It has been rumored that Florida is considering adding more charges as well.
A trial date has not been set yet.
What is not clear is exactly how, Lee was able to clear the stringent psychological and character evaluations in order to become a White House Secret Service Agent and then manage to sext 14 year old girls, from what is supposed to be one of the most secure places in the US.
Then again in December, the House Committee did describe the US Secret Service as an Agency that was in a crisis.
Cristal M Clark

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

DEA wants to conduct warrantless searches

DEA wants to conduct warrantless searches
The United States Drug Enforcement Agency wants the ability to conduct warrantless searches on State run Prescription Medication Database.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration estimated that in 2013 alone 65 million people over the age of 11 have used prescription medication for non-medical reasons. A number that has continued to grow rather than decline.
That added up to more people using prescription meds than who were using cocaine, hallucinogens and heroin combined.   
The pharmaceutical companies as you can imagine are making money hand over fist as the “need” for prescription medication grows, which in and of itself is pretty concerning.
Naturally, the DEA has reason for concern when they hear about doctors or patients who are fraudulently prescribing or obtaining prescription medications that are classified as an opioid.
49 States here in the USA have legislation authorizing the creation and operation of a PDMP (prescription drug monitoring program).
It’s worth a mention that, 49 States here in the US also have a fully operational PDMP which collects and reports data about what prescription drugs you might be taking. That information is “only” used by “authorized” individuals.
UTAH, which participates in the program passed a law last year that requires investigators obtain a warrant in order to search the database.
The DEA has requested from the State of Utah to have the ability to be able to conduct warrantless searches of its prescription drug database while the ACLU is trying to butt in and tell the DEA that, that would be considered a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
The DEA lawyers have argued that “Fourth Amendment rights are personal and may not be asserted vicariously.”
The DEA thinks that the ACLU should butt out of it’s business and and do it as of yesterday. They contend that the ACLU has no business trying to get itself involved with this request.
The reason the DEA wants to search it makes perfect sense because they only want to search the database for a specific case or... so they say.
The case involves a doctor and potentially patients who may or may not have been involved in some prescription drug scheme where the provider might be prescribing drugs to folks who have some type of involvement with a criminal organization overseas.
Suffice it to say, many law enforcement agencies argue that these databases are helpful when trying to combat prescription drug fraud and that is true. If you can’t track the source then you have no case and must let the offender (s) go without prosecution.
This turns out to be terrible news for a family who may have lost a loved one who somehow obtained prescription meds fraudulently and died as a result or worse, ended up with lifelong issues that resulted in the taking of prescription medications that were fraudulently obtained.  
In Utah for instance, because of the law that was passed last year, use of the database has plummeted because of the length of time it takes investigators to obtain a warrant.
Sleeping on the other side of the bed, hogging all of the covers is the ACLU who is arguing that police use of the data base brings up some serious issues.
Equality Utah, is a gay rights organization who feels that warrantless database searches can violate the privacy of transgender people using hormone replacement therapy drugs because, the DEA would have access to that information if they were allowed to conduct a warrantless search of the database.
A firefighters union in Utah is also concerned with warrantless searches of the database because a couple of years ago, 2 firefighters were accused of and charged with prescription drug fraud after a wide-ranging search of the database.
Those charges were dropped because whoever performed the search made a mistake and that is the very reason that Utah now requires a warrant before the database can be searched.
Around 20 or so other states also require investigators obtain a warrant prior to being allowed to access the PDMP.
At any rate, the ACLU happens to represent both of these groups.
Here in the US people have a thing about law enforcement and our Government having the ability to look at our stuff whenever they want for whatever reason they want.
But the reality is that most agencies if not all agencies do have a protocol that investigators and officers must go through prior to searching a database like the PDMP.
It’s not like most imagine, cop sits at his desk bored and says “what the hell, I’m bored, I think I’ll search the PDMP today and look for something so I can bust someone.”
In the case of the firefighters from Utah who were wrongfully accused of prescription drug fraud, someone dropped the ball but it wasn’t because investigators on a whim searched these guys out. Someone at some point provided them with intel that warranted the search in the first place.
Now did they do a stellar job of investigating? Hands down, I am going to go with a no on that. The firefighters have a right to sue over that.
Sometimes in rare cases warrantless searches are more of a benefit to society than we know or think. They are at times a necessary evil which has nothing to do with right or wrong whichever side of the bed you are on.
As far as law enforcement having access the transgender communities records so they can see who is prescribed hormone replacement therapy?
I am going to go out on a limb here, I don’t believe that the law enforcement community really wants that information, would bother to look for it or even care about it unless...someone were suspected of something having to do with prescribing and or reselling hormone replacement therapy drugs. Which believe or not is pretty lucrative.
We'll have to wait and see how the case turns out...
In the meantime...
How many of you are going to check and see if your state allows for warrantless searches of the PDMP?
Cristal M Clark


Monday, September 5, 2016

Black Lives Matter Movement - Gaining support from an unlikely source

Black Lives Matter Movement - Gaining support from an unlikely source 
Young white American adults support The Black Lives Matter Movement and because of that, the movement is growing a recent poll showed.
In fact, the poll showed that not only are young white Americans supporting the movement so are young Hispanics who showed that 62% support the movement and young Asian’s who showed that 67% support the movement.  
Some of you may scoff at that and think that it simply does not matter, or that it’s a fad and will pass as all fads do..the fact is, it does matter as confusing at may seem.
According to the poll that was conducted by GenForward, 51% of young white adults that are between 18-30 said they strongly or somewhat support The Black Lives Matter Movement.
That said, most young whites also tend to believe that the movement does in fact encourage violence against police while the young black Americans who support the movement disagree with that…
Here’s what it boils down to, many Americans not just the youth feel that police do in fact target black’s more often than not and cover for each other when things were not conducted let’s say, exactly by the book.
While conducting the poll, many that participated did feel rather strongly that the recent police shootings were part of a bigger problem with police in this country, that the shootings are part of a patterned behavior police have towards anyone who isn’t a cop.
Impressionable minds are easily shaped...
What many see on TV with regards to police targeting of young Black American’s is truly just a handful of incidents when compared to the number of police departments and police in this country.
Bias does exist however, yet it does also depend on where you are. Police in communities that are predominantly African American do tend to have some degree of bias because the criminals they typically encounter are from the very communities they police.
Police have also been known to be bias when dealing with poor white Americans as well. If you are dirty and appear to be poor and just hanging out, you are more likely to have a run in with a cop.
The perceived problem with police is exactly that, it is a perceived problem. It does not exist in every state, in every city or community in this country. The truth about every news story you see is that you truly do only get one side of it and it’s usually the side that will sell the most advertising.
It doesn’t make it the full truth of the matter.
In fact, the media has done a rather fine job of making cops look like a militant group of guerrillas waiting to wage war on us, when that really isn’t what police want to look like not to mention the vast majority are not like that at all.
Does something need to be done with police and departments that are running wild? Yes absolutely. When police are caught targeting more blacks than whites in communities that are pretty evenly mixed, then we need to address that and put an end to that. 
Still the same, making it sound like all police and all police departments are a problem, that is not exactly honest, let alone the truth. 
Part of the reason police are given things like tanks and are outfitted with things that are from the military is because they are our front line when shit goes down in this country like Mass Shootings and Bombings.
Love them or hate them, they are here to protect and serve and to ensure that we abide by the laws of our country.
The police don’t make the laws, they take an oath to enforce them
I am not so sure that I believe that police are entirely the reason movements like Black Lives Matter and their supporters are unhappy.
Overall Angst plays a large role in all of the unhappiness. 
In the private industry, businesses have this saying about bad customer reviews, well they actually have more than just the one but, just one bad customer review will reach twice as many potential customers than customers who praise the business.
In today’s world of policing that is exactly what is happening.
Bias, oppression, abuse and discrimination all happen to many individuals regardless of race, everywhere, at shops, restaurants, gas stations, everywhere.
Women encounter oppression and targeted bias, abusive behaviors regardless of race, as do the poor, anyone who is LGBTQ, handicapped, anyone suffering a mental or physical illness, even the way you dress or the color of your hair can make one a target for targeted bias and oppressive, abusive behavior.
You do not have to be black to experience it. Yet this is one of the many reasons people are beginning to get on board with The Black Lives Matter Movement.
The movement means something to people who are tired of being treated with bias because of who they are on all fronts. Black Lives Matter helped shape Campaign Zero and speaks volumes to young impressionable minds, because campaign zero, didn't make it's list of demands an entirely black or white thing.
They made is more of a this makes sense to end type of thing. 
It’s called conquering, you win one battle then you move on to the next.  
The movement has potential and people are starting to see that and until our Government can find a bridge for the gap, they stand to be on the losing end because it is only a small matter of time before the citizens realize that asking for the DOJ's help ended up costing them millions. 
Cristal M Clark