2,556 people have been shot in Chicago

So far this year
Yes you read that right, 2,556 individuals have been shot in Chicago so far this year.
Out of that, 2,166 were shot and wounded, the other 390 individuals are dead.
Chicago crossed the 2,000 point back in June. The July 4th weekend started off with a bang, 62 wounded and 4 were killed.
On Monday of this week alone 9 were shot and killed while 13 others were wounded.
Police have stated over and over again the violence in Chicago is attributed to feuding gangs and sadly a lot of the violence is being brought about by the citizens of Chicago, not the police.
For the month of August alone, to date Chicago has had 137 shootings.

So while our Administration and the Black Lives Matter movement are calling for change because they seem to feel that police do not value “Black Lives,” they are ignoring the staggering amount of shootings in Chicago. Many of the victims by the way are not white.
Are we picking and choosing which Black Lives Matter or is it that the Black Lives in Chicago simply do not matter?

The President recently commented with regards to officer involved shootings of young black men “all Americans should be troubled…” He also said “To be concerned about these issues is not political correctness. It’s just being an American.”
Is Chicago no longer part of America because being an American, I am deeply concerned that our administration is turning a blind eye to the rising violence in Chicago.
Do Black Lives only matter if it’s a cop pulling the trigger?
Do Black Lives only matter when they can be labeled as racism or bias at the hands of white cops?
The impression that I am getting from Obama, Washington, Congress and the Black Lives Matter movement is that they are picking when and where black lives really matter and it's not Chicago.
Do Black Lives only matter when they can be labeled as racism or bias at the hands of white cops?
The impression that I am getting from Obama, Washington, Congress and the Black Lives Matter movement is that they are picking when and where black lives really matter and it's not Chicago.
That translates pretty loudly to Black Lives Matter only if it's a cop who pulled the trigger but not another black citizen, or gang member. And fuck Chicago.
The senseless crime committed against blacks in Chicago not to mention the loss of black lives in Chicago has been so blatantly ignored by the Black Lives Matter Movement as well as in Washington both by Congress and President Obama that it’s quite frankly, sickening.
Stop preaching about officer involved shootings of young black men while you sit back and watch them get killed every day in Chicago by individuals who aren’t cops.
Instead, take the time to help pull Chicago together again. You know the state that has encountered the 2,556 shootings this year…
Cristal M Clark
IOS users can find The Crime Shop on Apple News
If you want to see the stats daily with regards to shootings in Chicago check out http://heyjackass.com/ these guys keep a great running toll of the situation.